main differences
Lab-grown diamonds are physically and chemically the same to mined diamonds.
The only difference between the two is where they come from. Some people call them man-made diamonds, lab diamonds, or lab-created diamonds. The amazing thing about lab-grown diamonds is that they are produced in a laboratory by forming carbon atoms under high temperature and immense pressure, which bond together to form a stunning crystalline structure.
Once they are cut and polished, lab-grown diamonds are identical to natural diamonds! The only thing that sets them apart is that natural diamonds contain traces of nitrogen, while lab-grown diamonds do not.

are they real?
As of 2018, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) considers both lab-grown and mined diamonds to be real. Interestingly, it's quite challenging to differentiate between the two with the naked eye. Even most trained gemologists struggle to distinguish between a polished mined diamond and a polished lab-grown diamond without using advanced technology. Traditional methods and machinery won't be of much help either.

why choose lab-grown
Man-made diamonds come in a variety of colors and clarities, just like earth-mined diamonds. The best thing about them is that they don't have the same human or environmental costs as mined diamonds. Plus, lab-grown diamonds offer the best value, which is why we can offer the best prices in the market for beautiful diamond jewelry.
are lab-grown diamonds real?
which type of diamond is better?
There's no right or wrong answer on this one. It all depends on what each person prefers.
advantages vs disadvantages